

主要联系人: 约翰J. 腰帕特里克·B. Armknecht CPA, CITP

Transform unworkable data into actionable business insights with data analytics.

在这个颠覆性的数字时代, where organizations are increasingly information rich, 但数据不足, Schneider Downs data analytics offers a lineup of descriptive, predictive and prescriptive solutions to transform business through data analytics.

利用数据管理, 数据发现, data visualization and problem solving through data analysis, Schneider Downs has experts to provide necessary services to cover all your data needs, 包括数据仓库安装, 与数据源的配置和集成, 业务流程自动化, 自定义仪表板的实现, ad hoc data analytic projects and best practices consulting.

Our clients have access to our entire roster of shareholders and advisors to provide additional experience and expertise as needed. Our standard includes prompt responsiveness to inquiries and timeliness of deliverables in accordance with your expectations.

准备好开始? 联系SD数字团队 让我们知道我们能帮上什么忙.


作为一个不可知论的技术解决方案, data analytics provides numerous competitive advantages across all industries and businesses, 包括:

  • 数据仓库的安装和配置, analytics and visualization tools into existing business processes
  • Ad hoc data analytic projects using state of the art data analysis software and procedures
  • Analytics to measure profitability and productivity of workers, routines and schedules
  • Automation of business processes using data analytic procedures
  • Implementation of custom dashboard reporting to assist in data management and communication
  • Contract risk assessment and multi-faceted analytics package designed to manage risk
  • 数据准备和最佳实践咨询
  • 对M的尽职调查&一个活动
  • 欺诈监测和检测程序
  • 诉讼支持






SD数字 helps organizations translate technology to transformative change and realize the best version of themselves. 带着前卫的帽子和数码镜头, we empower organizations to realize the art of the possible with the power of digital through business-focused and technology-enabled solutions, 建立在对实用性的坚定承诺之上, 上市速度和用户体验.

更多信息请访问我们的专题 施耐德唐斯数码 呼叫或联系团队直接在 contactsd@mediagate-egy.net.

有问题吗?? 问我们!

我们很乐意听到你的消息. Drop us a note, and we’ll respond to you as quickly as possible.

Learn how we’ve Solved Big Problems For our clients

大问题: 受勒索软件影响的公司.

大的思考: Restore System On-site And Avoid Six-figure Ransom.


大问题: 低效的税收抵免实现.

大的思考: Identified A $900,000 Tax Credit, Nearly Twice As Much As Prior Years.





每一刻都很重要. 紧急请求, contact the Schneider Downs digital forensics and incident response team at 1-800-993-8937. For all other requests, please complete the form below.


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